
Lighting Fixtures, Reflectors & Solutions
• Extensively used in offices, office buildings and hospitals.
• saves 30% or more on OPEX & CAPEX

Lambertian Reflection

  • Lambertian reflectance is named after J H Lambert, a German physicist, who introduced the concept of perfect diffusion in his book Photometria in 1760 .
  • If a surface exhibits Lambertian reflectance, light falling on it is scattered such that the apparent brightness of the surface to an observer is the same regardless of the observer’s angle of view.

Nanoflex®  – Low Glare & Better Uniformity
Visual Comparison 2 x T5 14W Luminaire

Specular Reflection


Tseung Kwan O General Out-Pantient Clinic

Hong Kong Jockey Club
Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon

Cognitio College (Kowloon)

Architectural Services Department
Kai Tak, Kowloon

Hysan Place

Causeway Bay , Hong Kong Island

Taikoo Place Phase 2A Office Tower

Swire Properties Limited
Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Island


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